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- .--------------------------------------------.
- | BGBBS Lister v0.4 for XenoLink BBS V1.982+ |
- `--------------------------------------------'
- Author: Ben Gaunt
- Email: ben.gaunt@pickled.demon.co.uk
- P I C K L E D F I S H S O F T W A R E
- Release date: 27th July 1997
- =========================================================================
- .---------.
- | Licence |
- `---------'
- This program is for the use of any Xenolink BBS sysop, under the
- understanding that the Rexx source code will not be changed in anyway,
- unless permission is stated in the code or in this manual.
- The code may NOT be re-programmed for other BBS's unless I the programmer
- have first given my consent to the conversion.
- This door must NOT be used on pay only BBS's or BBS's that use on-line
- phone charges (eg: 0898 in the UK) with out first obtaining a licence.
- This door may be included on CD's, cover disks, and (free) FTP sites.
- =========================================================================
- .--------------.
- | Distribution |
- `--------------'
- This program may be freely copied and spread as long as the copies are
- verbatim to the original archive, which contains:
- Also no money is to be charged for the program.
- It is NOT allowed to be distributed through pay only BBS's.
- =========================================================================
- .----------------------.
- | The DOC'S start here |
- `----------------------'
- Yes another BBS lister!!!!!
- But wait, this one has one feature that Xeno BBS listers have been missing
- and that feature is - The user can now download the BBS list, so they no
- longer have to read it online.
- BGBBS Lister is your basic BBS lister type door, sysops etc enter their
- BBS details and then your users can view the details.
- See on-line help for more information on using the door.
- .------------.
- | Installing |
- `------------'
- Just unpack the archive into your Rexx: dir then add an option to one of
- your menus like:
- CMD = "B"
- {
- rexx "Rexx:BGBBS/BGBBS.REXX ~14"
- }
- Once started the door will check for the data file, if it doesn't exist
- it will then generate one. Once the data file is loaded or generated the
- Main Menu will be displayed and the user can then use the door.
- Also see Configuration if you want to run the Door from a different path.
- .----------.
- | Updating |
- `----------'
- If you already have BGBBS Lister on your BBS all you need to do is copy
- the new files over the old ones. But keep your old BGBBS.DAT file.
- The format of the data file has remained the same so you don't have to
- restart your list.
- Also see 'Configuration'.
- .---------------.
- | Configuration |
- `---------------'
- Well if you load up the 'BGBBS.REXX' into a text editor and go to line 45
- you will see you can alter a few of the settings.
- PATH$ can be edited, for example if you want to run this door from DOORS:
- just edit the PATH$ to read
- The menu sets (ASCII/ANSI), by default the door uses ASCII for menu set 0
- and ANSI for any menu set higher than 0. Again you can edit this as well.
- When a user selects download bbs list all the BBS data is saved to a file
- in t: So you need to have T: assigned.
- Also you will notice in the BGBBS dir two text files,
- Intro.txt is a text file that is placed at the begining of the BBS ASCII
- file that is to be downloaded.
- End.txt is a text file that is append to the end of the BBS ASCII file that
- is to be downloaded.
- Load up the text files into any ASCII editor and edit them to your own
- liking.
- If you still don't understand what they do enter the door (from local
- login) and select download BBS list. You will be told you can't download
- locally. But if you look in T: you will see a file called, 'BBS_LIST.TXT'
- View this file and it should all become clear.
- .---------------.
- | Bugs/Problems |
- `---------------'
- There are bound to be a few bugs in this door, don't worry none will damage
- your BBS or computer set up. If anything does go wrong an error message
- will be shown and the user will be thrown back to your BBS.
- There could in theory though be a problem if the BBS/Amiga crashes while
- the data file is being saved, as this could result in the data file being
- corrupted.
- If this happens simple delete the data file 'BGBBS.DAT' and the program
- will generate a new data file. There will be better file handling in the
- next release (or the next one).
- Known bugs:
- If you the sysop delete all the BBS in the list a display bug occures.
- But if you want to restart the list just kill the 'BGBBS.DAT' file ;)
- .---------------------------------.
- | Freeware/Shareware/Licenceware? |
- `---------------------------------'
- It's freeware, so enjoy it and remember if there is any thing you would
- like in the next update mail me!
- .--------------------.
- | Contacting/support |
- `--------------------'
- If you need to contact me you can call my BBS,
- Channel X BBS +44 (0)181 943 5187 (24hrs 2400 to 28800bps)
- or mail,
- Fido: 2:254/260.12
- E-mail: ben.gaunt@pickled.demon.co.uk
- That's it hope you enjoy the door and look out for more by me coming
- soon.
- .-----------.
- | Thanks to |
- `-----------'
- Xeno Inc (for Xenolink and all those lovely updates)
- and all my users who took the time to test the door out.
- Greets to all on #Xenolink.....
- #Amiga
- #Amigacafe
- .------------.
- | Disclaimer |
- `------------'
- I have thoroughly tested this program, but if for some strange reason
- while running this door Aliens land in the yard, your head explodes or
- the cat just spontaneously combusts. It wasn't my fault ;)
- .---------.
- | History |
- `---------'
- V0.4 - 27th July 1997
- At last I've finaly added the Edit BBS function, you all asked for
- it so I done it ;) Not been fully tested so let me know if you
- find bugs.
- V0.3 - 5th May 1997 * Not Publicly Released *
- Its been a long time since I've done any work on any of the Xeno
- doors, and as there is nowt on TV and I'm broke (again) I thought
- I would update this door. So now you know! :)
- Fixed: 1) Bug in delete a BBS option, if user had more than one BBS
- entry this caused problems.
- 2) Bug when user selected download list and aborted then tried
- to download the list again an error message was displayed
- and list was not downloaded.
- V0.2 - 10th November 1996 *First Public Release*
- Added: Search BBS list
- Delete a BBS from the list
- On-line Help
- Fixed a bug when the door is first run with no data file
- it would throw out all sorts of rubbish.
- V0.1 - 19th October 1996 First draft, and very buggy :)
- .---------------.
- | To do list... |
- `---------------'
- Make an area where Sysops can upload their ANSI adverts, and users can
- view them.
- Make a real search funstion.
- Better downloading control (find a bug in this let me know ASAP)
- Automatic killing of adverts over a certain age.
- Clean up the re-drawing etc.
- Any ideas?
- .--------------------------.
- |Other Xenolink doors by me|
- `--------------------------'
- ** BG-WALL **
- My fav door for Xenolink, if I do say so myself :) Its another Wall door
- for Xenolink, but with many extras.
- - A nice brick wall effect in ANSI mode.
- - Supports any screen length.
- - Support for ANSI COLOUR or ASCII.
- - Centres the text on the wall.
- - An option for the users to see who wrote each line of text!
- - Even in ASCII mode the users can still select the colour for when a
- ANSI users views his text.
- - The tile '~' command is automatically removed from any text, so no
- more shitty messages like,
- 'Oi [user name] call Bla Bla BBS on 12121819128'.
- - Ban list, stop certain users from entering text. They can read the wall
- but not write on it. Why? Well I hate users who keep entering BBS adds
- etc. And those users who slag off the sysop ;)
- ** AmiNet Recent Requester **
- If you have access to AmiNet then this door is a must.
- It reads in the AmiNet recent list and lets your users mark files they
- would like you to download. The door makes a list of all the files
- requested and what AmiNet dir they are in and who requested them.
- The list can then be turned into a FTP script and used to automaticly
- download the files next time you connect to the Internet.
- ** Requester **
- Simple little door where users can place a request for a file you don't
- have on your BBS. Other users can then view the list and up the requested
- file(s).
- ** Home Brew ** (WORK IN PROGRESS)
- Is a private access area, home page type thing for your users.
- Allows -
- Private File Area.
- Private Menus.
- Limited Access Areas (IE the users has to giver permission).
- Users can edit and design their own menus.
- Auto checking (IE users don't go over their HD limit etc).
- Im also looking into doing a Football Manager Sim with multi-user support
- maybe even multi-bbs support too?
- If you want this door mail me ;)
- .----------------------------.
- | BGBBS (C)1996/97 Ben Gaunt |
- `----------------------------'
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